LED 驱动器可(kě)為(wèi) LED 或 LED 灯提供可(kě)控的電(diàn)流和電(diàn)压。LED 灯是由 LED阵列组成,通过一个電(diàn)路逻辑有(yǒu)效的控制。驱动根据電(diàn)路的電(diàn)流電(diàn)压来控制LED的電(diàn)流電(diàn)压,以保证其正常工(gōng)作(zuò)。

LED 是一种有(yǒu)两个引脚的半导體(tǐ)器件。LED 的 PN 结释放光子,当電(diàn)流流经过程称為(wèi)热致发光。LED 的发光颜色由其材料决定,这也决定了半导體(tǐ)器件的能(néng)量带间隙。 LED 驱动通过主交流電(diàn)源供電(diàn),也成為(wèi) PRI 電(diàn)压。该驱动通过矫正 PRI 電(diàn)压,产(chǎn)生第二级恒定的直流電(diàn)压来驱动 LED 灯。LED 驱动器可(kě)以利用(yòng)大的铁芯变压器将高压转换成用(yòng)于 LED 等的低压信号 (12V)。大多(duō)数家庭使用(yòng)電(diàn)源逆变器来转换電(diàn)压用(yòng)于 LED 灯,主要是考虑其低成本和體(tǐ)积小(xiǎo)。
大多(duō)数LED驱动都用(yòng)额外的输入来设置LED亮度这通常是靠快速转换電(diàn)源為(wèi)LED来实现的,通过 PWM 来控制开关的比例。LED 驱动还有(yǒu)一个内置的控制回路以保持恒流这可(kě)以让 LED 在较大電(diàn)压范围下也能(néng)有(yǒu)正确的输出,确保 LED 不会过载而缩短灯泡的使用(yòng)寿命。温度可(kě)以改变 LED 的特性,可(kě)造成严重的影响,除非对温度进行精(jīng)确控制。

  • Wide range : 3 to 351 LED support
  • Fast I2C, SPI, and 1-wire serial communication bus controls multiple devices
  • Breath function and PWM light controls
  • Best Noise and Efficiency Performance
  • Linear devices with ultra low headroom voltage

Multi Channel

Part No.No.of ChannelNo.RGB GroupControl
Audio Sync.VDD(V)Package(Size mm)Key FeatureStatus
IS31FL31901-I2C-400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5UTQFN-9(1.5x1.5)SingleLED driver with 256 PWM and auto breath mode with 5 (FL3191) or 5*128(FL3190) programmable current levelsProd
IS31FL319331I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5DFN-10(3.0x3.0)16Million color RGB auto and semi-auto breathing with pre-set patternProd
IS31FL3193D31I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5WLCSP-8(1x1.5)16Million color RGB auto and semi-auto breathing with pre-set patternProd
IS31FL319431I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5WLCSP-8(1x1.5)16Mcolor RGB with programmable pattern sequence and channel currentProd
IS31FL319541I2C- 1MHzNo2.7~ 5.5WLCSP-8(1x1.5), QFN-16 (4x4)1MHzcharge pump, 1x, 1.5x mode, 1uA shutdown, prog pattern sequenceSample
IS31FL3196A62I2C- 400kHzYes2.7~ 5.5QFN-20(3.0x3.0)16Million color RGB auto and semi-auto breathing with pre-set pattern and audiosync modeProd
IS31FL319993I2C- 400kHzYes2.7~ 5.5QFN-20(3.0x3.0)16Million color RGB auto and semi-auto breathing with AGC Audio Sync modeProd
IS31FL3206124I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-20(3.0x3.0)23kHzPWM, 38mA/CH, current scaling, 16M color, -40C to 125CProd

Multi Channel Contd.

Matrix Driver

Part No.No.of ChannelNo.RGB GroupControl
Audio Sync.VDD(V)Package(Size mm)Key FeatureStatus
IS31FL3208A186I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-28(4.0x4.0)23/3.45kHzPWM, 38mA/CH, ±6% current accuracy channel-to-channel and between ICs,current scaling, 16M colors, -40C to 125CProd
IS31FL3209186I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-28(4.0x4.0)24/4kHzPWM, 76mA/CH, current scaling, 16M colors, -40C to 125CProd
IS31FL3216A16-I2C- 400kHzYes2.7~ 5.5QFN-28(4.0x4.0)26kHzPWM, 20mA/CH, current scaling, 8 frames, 16M color, 8 GPIO,-40C to 105CProd
IS31FL3218186I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-24(4.0x4.0) SOP-24 (10x15)38mA/CH,16M color, -40C to 85CProd
IS31FL3235A289I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-36(4.0x4.0)22/3kHzPWM, 38mA/CH, current scaling, 16M color, -40C to 85CProd
IS31FL3236A3612I2C- 400kHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-44(4.0x4.0) eTQFP-48 (9.0x9.0)22/3kHzPWM, 38mA/CH, current scaling, 16M color, -40C to 85C, -40C to 125CProd
IS31FL32373612I2C- 1MHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-44(5×5)NoiseReduction, Spread Spectrum, 16-bit PWM and White Balance, open/short detect,38mA/CH, pin compatible with IS31FL3236AProd
IS31FL3238186I2C- 1MHzNo2.7~ 5.5WQFN-28(5x5), eTSSOP-28 (9.7x6.4)NoiseReduction, Spread Spectrum, 16-bit PWM and White Balance, open/short detect,76mA/CHSample
IS31FL372616-SerialNo3.3~ 5.5QFN-24(4.0x4.0) TSSOP-2416-channelsOn/Off LED driver with serial-in and serial-out for cascade applicationProd
Part No.No.of ChannelNo.RGB GroupControl
Audio Sync.VDD(V)Package(Size mm)Key FeatureStatus
IS31FL37288x8Matrix 64-I2C- 400kHzYes2.7~ 5.5QFN-24(4.0x4.0)16-row/columnoutputs, Audio Modulated. 8x8,7x9,6x10,5x11 matrix arrays. -40C - 85C, -40C-105CProd
IS31FL37308x8x2Matrix 128-I2C- 400kHzYes2.7~ 5.5QFN-24(4.0x4.0)30.3kHz,7-bit PWM, 16-row/column outputs, Audio Modulated. 8x8,7x9,6x10,5x11 dualmatrix arrays. Crossplex,-40C-85CProd
IS31FL37318x9x2Matrix 14432I2C- 400kHzYes2.7~ 5.5QFN-28(4.0x4.0) SSOP-288.3kHz,8-bit PWM, Two 8x9 arrays, crossplex, with SRAM. 8-image swapping, 1/9 scancycle rate, -40C - 85CProd
IS31FL3732A8x9x2Matrix 14432I2C- 1MhzYes2.7~ 5.5QFN-40(5x5)Robustversion of IS31FL3731, 20kHz 8-bit PWM, 1/9 scan, seperate power rails,synchronize 8 devices, address 16, global current, -40C - 85CProd
IS31FL373312x16 Matrix 19264I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-48(6X6) eTQFP-487.4kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch. for RGB, 1/12scan. Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synch, -40C - 125CProd
IS31FL373612x8 Matrix 9632I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-40(5x5)7.4kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/12 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synch, -40C - 125CProd
IS31FL373712x12 Matrix 14448I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-40(5x5)7.4kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/12 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synch, -40C - 125CProd
IS31FL37386x8Matrix 4816I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-28(5x5) eTSSOP-287.4kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/12 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synch, -40C - 125CProd
IS31FL37404x3Matrix 124I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5eTSSOP-20(6.5x6.5)7.4kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/12 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synch, -40C - 125CProd
IS31FL374139x9 Matrix 351117I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-60(7x7)29kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/12 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synch, -40C - 125CProd

Matrix Driver Contd.

Part No.No.of ChannelNo.RGB GroupControl
Audio Sync.VDD(V)Package(Size mm)Key FeatureStatus
IS31FL374230x6 Matrix 18060I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-48(6x6)29kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/6 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synch, -40C - 125CProd
IS31FL3743A18xn(n=1~11)Matrix 19866I2C- 1MHzNo2.7~ 5.5UQFN-40(5x5)29kHzPWM, 8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/11.38 scan, IndividualLED open/short de- tectand dot correct, de-ghost, prog I2C threshold, EMI reduction, cascade synch,-40C - 125CProd
IS31FL3743B18xn(n=1~11)Matrix 19866SPI- 12MHzNo2.7~ 5.5UQFN-40(5×5)29kHzPWM, 8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/11.38 scan, IndividualLED open/short de- tectand dot correct, de-ghost, prog I2C threshold, EMI reduction, cascade synch,-40C - 125CProd
IS31FL374518xn(n=1~8)Matrix 14448I2C– 1MHzNo2.7~ 5.5WLCSP-36(2.93x2.93)29kHzPWM, 8-bit PWM and Dot Correction, De- Ghost, EMI reduction, cascade synchSample
IS31FL3746A18xn(n=1~4)Matrix 7224I2C- 1MhzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-32(4×4)29kHzPWM, 8-bit (PWM, Dot Correction, global current), VIO, De-Ghost, EMIreduction, program- mablematrix configuration (18xn)Sample
IS31FL3746B18xn(n=1~4)Matrix 7224SPI- 12MHzNo2.7~ 5.5QFN-32(4×4)29kHzPWM, 8-bit (PWM, Dot Correction, global current), VIO, De-Ghost, EMIreduction, program- mablematrix configuration (18xn)Sample

HBLED Driver Switching (DC/DC)

Part No.DriverVIN(V)IOUT AccuracyEffcy(%)PowerTransistorPackageKey FeatureStatus
IS31LT3350Buck6 ~40750mA ±5%95Built-inSOT23-5,SOT89-5Singlepin ON/OFF or brightness control with DC/ PWM, thermal shutdownProd
IS31LT3352Buck6 ~40750mA ±5%95Built-inSOP8Singlepin ON/OFF or brightness control with DC/ PWM, thermal profile adjustablewith resistorProd
IS31LT3353Buck6 ~401A ±3%97Built-inSOT23-5,SOT89-5Highefficiency, 1MHz switching 1A driverProd
IS31LT3354Buck6 ~40±3%98ExternalSOT23-5Switching(upto 1MHz) 40V LED buck regulator with support for external FETProd
IS31LT3360Buck6 ~401.2A ±3%98Built-inSOT89-5Highefficiency with buck converter, with analog or PWM dimmingProd
IS31LT3363Buck,3 Switch Matrix Driver6 ~361.0A ±3%97Built-ineTSSOP-16Singlestring RGB color mixing using floating FET shunt switchesSample
IS31LT3380Buck8.5~ 401.2A ±5%98Built-inSOP-83-levelswitch dimming control, open/short and thermal shutdown protectionProd
IS31LT3505Buck6 ~3024W ±5%90Built-inMSOP-101MHzBoost Converter with 35V Internal NMOSProd
IS31LT3948Boost5 ~100±3%90ExternalSOP-8Wideinput voltage range, Boost, over-voltage/temperature protectionProd
IS31LT3952Buck4.5~ 381.5A95IntegratedSOP-8-EPTrueaverage output current, cycle-by-cycle current limit, logic or PSM dim, 2uAshutdown, spread spectrum, UVLO, open/short protectionProd
IS31LT3953Buck4.5~ 383A95IntegratedSOP-8-EPTrueaverage output current, cycle-by-cycle current limit, logic or PSM dim 2uAshutdown, spread spectrum, UVLO, open/short protectionProd


Part No.No.of ChannelsVIN(V)IOUT(mA)Sink/ SourceDimmingPackageKey FeatureStatus
IS31LT311746 ~53350/CHSinkPWMeTSSOP-16Highcurrent, ±3% channel-to-channel current accuracy, 90uA shutdown current, fastrise/fall (300/200ns) time for 100kHz PWM, thermal rolloff,Prod
IS31LT317715 ~40200SinkPSMSOT23-6SOP-8-EPLowdropout voltage, 150mA (SOT23), 200mA (SOP), thermal rolloff, ±5% currentaccuracy over temp, dimming with Power Supply Modulation (PSM) at supplyvoltage, -40 ~ 125CProd
IS31LT317812.6~ 40200SinkPWMSOT23-6SOP-8-EPLowdropout voltage, 150mA (SOT23), 200mA (SOP), thermal rolloff, ±5% currentaccuracy over temp, dimming with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) at 1kHz, -40 ~ 125CProd

LCD Backlight & Flash

Part No.No.of LEDTypeof DriverIOUT(mA)VDD(V)IntensityControlPackage(Size in mm)Key FeatureStatus
IS31BL32124ConstantCurrent232.7- 5.5PulseCountSOT23-6,DFN-8 (2.0x2.0)Ultralow headroom voltage, highly integrated design with minimal componentProd
IS31BL3228A/B4/6ChargePump202.8- 5.5PulseCountUTQFN-12[2.0x2.0]4/6channel with 14 programmable current levels, built-in charge pump for highefficiency modeProd
IS31BL32298ConstantCurrent w/charge pump252.7- 5.5PWMQFN-20(3.0x3.0)8channel output with 32 programmable current levels, built-in charge pump forhigh efficiency mode (1x/1.5x)Prod
IS31BL32308ConstantCurrent40mAor 320mA in parallel2.7- 5.5PWMQFN-16(3.0x3.0)Ultralow headroom voltage. All outputs may be connected in parallelProd
IS31BL32311ChargePump7502.7- 5.5PulseCountDFN-10(3.0x3.0)CameraFlash LED DriverProd
IS31BL32321ChargePump12002.5- 5.5PulseCountDFN-10(3.0x3.0)CameraFlash LED Driver with time out protectionProd
IS31BL3233A2Flash/Boost750x22.7- 5.5EnablePinDFN-14(3.0x2.0)CameraFlash LED Driver with time out protectionProd
IS31BL3506A9Boost202.7- 5.5PWMor DC LevelTSOT23-6,DFN-8 (2.0x2.0)35VInternal MOSFET 1MHz Step-up Converter; Vfb = 300mVProd
IS31BL3506B8Boost202.7- 5.5PWMor DC LevelTSOT23-635VInternal MOSFET 1MHz Step-up Converter; Vfb = 200mVProd
IS31BL3508A10Boost202.7- 5.5PWMor DC LevelTSOT23-6SOT23-61.0MHzBoost Converter with 38V internal switch; Vfb = 300mVProd
IS31BL3508B10Boost202.7- 5.5PWMor DC LevelSOT23-61.0MHzBoost Converter with 38V internal switch; Vfb = 200mVProd

Automotive FxLED - Multi Channel

Automotive FxLED - Matrix

Part No.No.of ChannelNo.RGB GroupControl
AudioSync.VDD(V)Package(Size mm)Key FeatureStatus
IS32FL3209186I2C- 400kHzNo2.7 ~ 5.5WFQFN28(5×5)23kHzPWM, 76mA/CH, 1/24 DC white balanceSample
IS32FL32373612I2C- 1MHzNo2.7 ~ 5.5eTQFP48(9×9)NoiseReduction, Spread spectrum, 16-bit PWM, white balance, open/short detect,38mA/CHSample
IS32FL3238186I2C- 1MHzNo2.7 ~ 5.5WFQFN28(5×5)NoiseReduction, Spread spectrum, 16-bit PWM, white balance, open/short detect,76mA/CHSample
Part No.No.of ChannelNo.RGB GroupControl
AudioSync.VDD(V)Package(Size mm)Key FeatureStatus
IS32FL37386x84816I2C- 1MHzNo2.7 ~ 5.5eTSSOP-287.4kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/12 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synchProd
IS32FL37403x4124I2C- 1MHzNo2.7 ~ 5.5eTSSOP-207.4kHz,8-bit PWM, true multiplex matrix arch for RGB, 1/12 scan, Individual LEDopen/short detect, de-ghost, auto breath, cascade synchProd

Automotive HBLED - Linear

Part No.No.of Chan- nelsIOUT(mA)VIN(V)DimmingProtectionFaultreportPackageKey FeatureStatus
IS32LT31202200*26 ~45Momentarybutton to fade in/outLEDShort, ISET pin short, over temp, thermal rolloffNoSOP-8-EPDualChannel, Linear LED Driver with fade in/fade outProd
IS32LT31244150*45 ~28PWM& BCMLEDopen/Short, single LED short, ISET pin open/short, over tempYeseTSSOP-16QuadChannel (independent PWM and current), Linear LED driver with fault reportingand dynamic headroom controlProd
IS32LT31251250 30mA in Fault5 ~42PWM& BCMLEDOpen/Short, ISET pin open/short, OUT shortto VCC and GND, over tempYesSOP-8-EP250mASingle Channel linear programmable current regulator with 30mA ICC currentfault reportingSample

Automotive HBLED - Linear Contd.

Part No.No.of Chan- nelsIOUT(mA)VIN(V)DimmingProtectionFaultreportPackageKey FeatureStatus
IS32LT3125A1250 1mA in Fault5 ~42PWM& BCMLEDOpen/Short, ISET pin open/short, OUT shortto VCC and GND, over tempYesSOP-8-EP250mASingle Channel linear programmable current regulator with 1mA ICC currentfault reportingSample
IS32LT31262150*25-42PWM& BCMLEDOpen/Short, single LED short, ISET pinopen/short, OUT short to VCC, over temp, thermal rolloffYeseTSSOP-16150mADual Channel LED Driver with fault reportingProd
IS32LT31283150x2, 30x15-42BCMPWM, Switch PriorityLEDstrings or ISET pin shorted to GND (no reporting), Over temp and thermalrolloffYeseTSSOP-20Triplechannel LED driver with PWM dimming and switch fade IN/ OUT (higher prioritythan PWM), Programmable(resistor)Sample
IS32LT3128A3150x2, 30x15-42BCMPWM, Switch Low PriorityLEDstrings or ISET pin shorted to GND (no reporting), Over temp and thermalrolloffYeseTSSOP-20Triplechannel LED driver with PWM dimming and switch fade IN/ OUT (lower prioritythan PWM), Programmable(resistor)Sample
IS32LT31293150x2, 30x15-42I2C,Switch PriorityLEDstrings short or open, ISET pin shorted to GND (no reporting), Over temp andthermal rolloffYeseTSSOP-20Triplechannel LED driver with PWM dimming and switch fade IN/ OUT (switch higherpriority than I2C), Programmable (I2C bus)Sample
IS32LT3129A3150x2, 30x15-42I2C,Switch Low PriorityLEDstrings short or open, ISET pin shorted to GND (no reporting), Over temp andthermal rolloffYeseTSSOP-20Triplechannel LED driver with PWM dimming and switch fade IN/ OUT, (Switch lowerpriority than I2C), Programmable (I2C bus)Sample
IS32LT317412006-45Momentorybutton to fade in/outLEDShort, ISET pin short, over temp, thermal rolloffNoSOP-8-EPSingleChannel, Linear LED Driver with fade in/fade outProd
IS32LT3175P/N11505-42Momentorybutton to fade in/out & BCM PWMLEDShort, ISET pin short, over temp, thermal rolloffNoSOP-8-EPSingleChannel, Linear LED Driver with fade in/fade out and BCM PWM InputProd
IS32LT3177/7812002.5-40BCM/PWMOvercurrent, over temp and thermal rolloff protectionNoSOT23-6,SOP-8-EPSinglechannel low dropout, ±5% current accuracy. BCM input (IS32LT3177), 1kHz PWMinput (IS32LT3178)Sample
IS32LT3180875*86-16InternalPWM dimmingLEDopen/Short, ISET pin short, OVP, over temp,thermal rolloffYeseTSSOP-16Settabledual intensity linear driver for RCLProd
IS32LT3181675*66-42InternalPWM dimmingLEDopen, ISET pin short, over tempYeseTSSOP-16Settabledual intensity linear driver for RCLProd

Automotive HBLED - Switching

Part No.DriverVIN(V)IOUT AccuracyDimmingEfficiencyPowertransistorPackageKey FeatureStatus
IS32LT3951Buck4.5~ 38±5%PWM95%Built-inSOP-8-EP1.5-AmperePWM dimmable constant- current buck LED driver with output faultreport/protect, 2uA shutdown, spread spectrumSample
IS32LT3952Buck4.5~ 38±5%PWM93%Built-inSOP-8-EP1.5-AmperePWM dimmable constant- current buck LED driver with robust protection, spreadspectrumProd
IS32LT3953Buck4.5~ 38±5%PWM93%Built-inSOP-8-EP3-AmperePWM dimmable constant- current buck LED driver with robust protection, spreadspectrumProd
IS32LT3954Buck4.5~ 38±5%PWM93%Built-inSOP-8-EP3-AmperePWM dimmable constant current buck LED driver with robust protection andreporting with fault sharing, spread spectrumProd
IS32LT3956Buck4.5~ 38±5%Ext/IntPWM93%Built-ineTSSOP-163-Amperetrue avg. current, PWM dim- mable buck regulator, high-side, bypass NMOS switch for ON/OFFctrl of LED string segment, spread spectrum and 2uA shutdownSample
IS32LT3957Buck,boost, buck-boost, SEPIC5 ~75±3%PWM, Analog93%ExternaleTSSOP-16Highvoltage LED lighting driver for buck, buck-boost, boost and sepic topologySample