RS-232接口是目前最常用(yòng)的一种串行通讯接口。它是在1970年由美國(guó)電(diàn)子工(gōng)业协会(EIA)联合贝尔系统、调制解调器厂家及计算机终端生产(chǎn)厂家共同制定的用(yòng)于串行通讯的标准。它的全名(míng)是“数据终端设备(DTE)和数据通讯设备(DCE)之间串行二进制数据交换接口技(jì )术标准”该标准规定采用(yòng)一个25个脚的DB-25连接器,对连接器的每个引脚的信号内容加以规定,还对各种信号的電(diàn)平加以规定。后来IBM的PC机将RS232简化成了DB-9连接器,从而成為(wèi)事实标准。而工(gōng)业控制的RS-232口一般只使用(yòng)RXD、TXD、GND三条線(xiàn)。

从传统的RS232收发器到具(jù)备Auto On-line Plus特性的更為(wèi)先进的RS232产(chǎn)品,MxL提供40多(duō)种RS232串行收发器。此外,多(duō)种的RS232收发器均具(jù)备经过改进的ESD保护技(jì )术。MxL提供能(néng)搞满足严格的IEC 61000-4-2 Air-Gap和接触型ESD标准的新(xīn)型RS232产(chǎn)品。这种保护功能(néng)使产(chǎn)品不会因ESD而遭受损害。许多(duō)此类产(chǎn)品均為(wèi)现有(yǒu)的工(gōng)业标准解决方案的直接替代产(chǎn)品与功能(néng)对等产(chǎn)品。


  • 低電(diàn)压
  • 低功耗
  • 高速度
  • 内置電(diàn)荷泵
  • 符合所有(yǒu)RS-232D和ITU V.28规范
  • 先进的ESD保护:±15kV的IEC 61000-4-2,和/或±15kV的HBM(人體(tǐ)模型)
ProductDescriptionSupply Voltage
(Nom) (V)
No. of TxNo. of RxData Rate (kbps)HBM ESD (kV)IEC 61000-4-2
Contact (±kV)
Int. Charge
No. of Ext
Nom Cap
Value (μF)
ShutdownInternal CapsTTL Tri-StateAuto On-LineVL PinTemperature Range (℃)Package
XR323303-Driver/3-Receiver Intelligent RS-232 Transceiver with1.65V-5.5V Interface3.3, 53325015840.1--40 to 85QFN-24
XR322202-Driver/2-Receiver Intelligent RS-232 Transceiver with1.65V-5.5V Interface3.3, 5221000, 25015840.1--40 to 125QFN-24
SP385E3V to +5V RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver3.3, 52212015840.1----0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-20
SP3243EUHigh Speed Intelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceiver3.3, 535100015840.1--0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28, QFN-32, TSSOP-28
SP3243EHHigh Speed Intelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 53546015840.1--0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28
SP3243EBIntelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceiver3.3, 53525015840.1--0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28, TSSOP-28
SP3243EIntelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceiver3.3, 53512015840.1--0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28, TSSOP-28
SP3239EIntelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceiver3.3, 55325015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28
SP3238EIntelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceiver3.3, 55325015840.1--0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28, TSSOP-28
SP3232EU3.3V, 1000 Kbps RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 522100015840.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-16, TSSOP-16,NSOIC-16
SP3232EH3.3V, 460Kbps RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 52246015840.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85TSSOP-16
SP3232EBTrue +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 52225015840.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85QFN-16, SSOP-16,NSOIC-16, WSOIC-16, TSSOP-16
SP3232ETrue +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 52212015840.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-16, NSOIC-16,WSOIC-16, TSSOP-16
SP3223EUHigh Speed Intelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 522100015840.1---40 to 85TSSOP-20
SP3223EBIntelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 52225015840.1---40 to 85TSSOP-20
SP3223EIntelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers3.3, 52212015840.1--0 to 70, -40 to 85TSSOP-20, SSOP-20
SP3222EU1Mbps, 3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 2-driver/2-receiver, low-powershutdown3.3, 522100015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85TSSOP-20
SP3222EB3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 2-driver/2-receiver with low-powershutdown3.3, 52225015840.1----40 to 85TSSOP-20, SSOP-20
SP3222E3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 2-driver/2-receiver with low-powershutdown3.3, 52212015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85TSSOP-20, SSOP-20,WSOIC-18
SP3221EIntelligent +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceiver3.3, 51125015840.1---40 to 85TSSOP-16, SSOP-16
SP3220EU1Mbps 3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 1-driver/1-receiver with low-powershutdown3.3, 511100015840.1----40 to 85TSSOP-16
SP3220EB3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 1-driver/1-receiver with low-powershutdown3.3, 51125015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85TSSOP-16, SSOP-16
SP3220E3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 1-driver/1-receiver with low-powershutdown3.3, 51112015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85TSSOP-16, SSOP-16
SP3203ERS232 Transceiver with 1.8V Logic Interface,3-Driver/2-Receiver3.3, 53225015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85TSSOP-20
SP232E+/-15KV ESD, 5V Single-Supply RS-232 Drivers/Receivers52212015-40.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85NOIC-16, WSOIC-16
SP232A5V Single-Supply RS-232 Drivers/Receivers5221202-40.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85NSOIC-16, WSOIC-16
SP2209EHigh ESD Dual Port RS-232 Transceiver, 6-Driver/10-Receiver1261046015820.1------40 to 85TSSOP-38
SP213EH460kbps, 4-driver/5-receiver RS-232, with Shutdown and Wakeup,+/-15KV ESD545100015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28
SP213E5V, 4-driver/5-receiver RS-232, with Shutdown and Wakeup,+/-15KV ESD54512015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-28
SP211E5V, 4-driver/5-receiver RS-232, with Shutdown, +/-15KV ESD54512015840.1---0 to 70, -40 to 85WSOIC-28, SSOP-28
SP208E5V, 4-driver/4-receiver RS-232, +/-15KV ESD54412015840.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85WSOIC-24, SSOP-24
SP2085V, 4-driver/4-receiver RS-232, uses small 0.1脗碌F Capacitors54412015840.1-----0 to 70, -40 to 85SSOP-24
SP202EHigh Performance RS232 Transceivers52212015-40.1----0 to 70, -40 to 85NOIC-16, WSOIC-16
SP233E5V Single-Supply RS-232 Drivers/Receivers with no externalcapacitors52212015-0------40 to 85WSOIC-20
SP233A5V Single-Supply RS-232 Drivers/Receivers with no externalcapacitors5221202-0-----0 to 70, -40 to 85WSOIC-20
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